On a similar vein, i recently bought on of those flea 'zapper' combs as my little JR, Milo was troubled so much by them, he was drawing blood. I only read the one review (a five star one, doncha know) and parted with the money. Said comb arrived about a week later and i threw 2 new batteries in it, sat Milo down and promised him i'd get rid of all his problems. Then i began to comb his fur............................................and zapped nothing. Zilch. Nada. And, whether the fleas in Burnley are a lot tougher than elsewhere, i know not, but one of the blighters actually hitched a lift on the metal teeth of the comb - you know, the bit where the electrical charge is meant to zap them - all the way from head to tail before it hopped off. Not even a tip! When Amazon asked for a review, they got one. A terrible one.......................to join all the other terrible ones i didn't read beforehand The comb cost just over £14 but a visit to the vets to rectify the problem cost £75:-(