Cake in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Vagus | 16:25 Fri 15th May 2020 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
I’m craving some home made cake, don’t care if it’s Victoria sandwich, chocolate, lemon, fruit, cup cake, just give me cake!!
I really should have made one yesterday when I had the urge but couldn’t be bothered with the thought of all the clearing up afterwards.
Have you made a cake today, and if so, what sort was it, and was it successful.
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a carrot cake from a packet mix .really good .and I've done a couple of banana ones from scratch so easy to make x
I've never had banana cake. Is it very sweet?
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Banana cake is lovely, very easy, and the same sweetness as a normal cake, probably.
Lemon drizzle do?
No...I was going to make some muffins but my niece made an old skool cake so I didn't bother.

She's put on loads of weight since lockdown.
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Martin, would lemon drizzle do???? Do you even have to ask :o)
Not made today, but have just been eating ginger cake made to Nigella Lawson's recipe which is better and has a stickier top if it sits in the tin for a couple of days
Can’t get flour and eggs are a bit of a rarity - boy #1 is going round the shop and is going to get me two jam and cream scones (and yes, I will eat both today). Yesterday he shared his reduced-price apple turnovers with me :)
On wednesday I made cinnamon buns from a bakedin kit. They were totally yummy. You get a proper recipe card in the kit as well as the ingredients so you can make them again without having to buy the kit again.
I have a ginger cake mix that was given to me. I will be making this with sultanas as I am not a lover of ginger. Hoping the fruit will mask the flavour.
My fave cake is lemon drizzle which I make using loads of lemons so that it is tart and the drizzle adds sweetness.
I haven't made these for ages - Florentines - but they are so easy and don't need flour.
Orange drizzle?..... :-)
I made a ginger cake the other day. It comes out like the McVities Jamaican ginger cakes that I had decades ago (with the slightly sticky surface) Trouble is, I`ve got to eat it now and it's fattening.
if u are desperate, how about a mug cake?

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