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Turkey Twizzlers Are Back

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johnny.5 | 04:32 Fri 21st Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
anyone tried them yet?
are they as good as before?


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johnny, i haven't tried them, but going on the bad publicity, i am amazed they have made a return.
No worse than loads of stuff on the market.
then why were they withdrawn...
perhaps they didn't actually contain any turkey or any known meats...
Because Jamie Oliver went on a crusade, rightly so imo, to have them removed from school menus.
And they did contain turkey...not the bits we would happily dine on but just enough to make them legal.
sounds horrible.
I know. Same with some brands of cheap chicken nuggets.
wouldn't touch them at all, i once tried chicken nuggets from sainsburys, never again
I've never had them before either. I've tasted chicken nuggets but never a turkey twizzler. Kids seem to love them though.

Even after Jamie Oliver showed kids how they were made they weren't put off.

To me chicken nuggets etc were kids party food. I was amazed to find out that kids actually had them for dinner.
me too,
Jamie Oliver was on TV yesterday and turkey twizzlers were mentioned. The new ones they say are much healthier than the old ones and now contain over 70% meat compared to 34% meat in the old ones.
but what meat one wonders...
Also said that 2 twizzlers contain less saturated fat than 2 sausages.
Emmie - it used to be that the carcasses were put in some sort of machine which stripped the bones bare so turkey twizzlers contained lots of sinew etc.
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waste not want not
Never encountered them, and like it that way.
I guess they are like the very cheapest "value" sausages...about 20% "meat", and the rest questionable fillers.
I've never had them and I'm not tempted.

Not for us thank you, just does not appeal, having said that luv turkey.

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