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Cooking Apple Recipes

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bednobs | 13:07 Mon 31st Aug 2020 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
I have loads of windfall cookers. What could I make with them?


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Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall was on C4 earlier with fruit recipes...lots for Apple's.
They can be easily frozen...peel, slice or chop, and bag. Apple sauce if you've got some jars, or baked apples...fill with raisins, butter, cinnamon and brown sugar.
Easily freezable and defrostable. Make apple crumble.
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I don't think I can do baked apples as they are windfall and I'd have to chop bits ofg
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What's the best way to freeze them?
I make apple sauce cubes and keep them in a bag in the freezer.
Cook them in a large saucepan until they soften a little. Remove them and bag or box them into portion sizes and put them in freezer. Last Monday we picked our cookers before the storm got to them on Tuesday. We did have around 70kgs of extra large Bramleys. Trying to give them away now as we have plenty in the freezer.
Yep, make them all into apple sauce and then freeze it in useable amounts.
I just peel and chop the apples and cook them down, maybe with a little bit of water, and then sweeten the resulting mush to my taste.
My favourite two ways of using it are apple crumble and Eve’s pudding. And I always have a couple of frozen portions just to use as apple sauce with pork or chicken.
I freeze it in takeaway type containers, about half full.
Once it’s frozen, I remove the block of sauce and put it in a plastic bag, you’d be amazed where these thin frozen sauces will fit, they take up very little room in the freezer.
Simple tips on how to freeze and some recipes to click on too.
As I mentioned, you can freeze them raw. No need to cook. We did it all the time at the drop in...and had already frozen donated also.*
Just let them defrost and use for crumbles or applesauce.

* we often had to reject the windfalls because of the time needed to prep them...and some were seriously past it quality-wise.

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Cooking Apple Recipes

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