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Red Wine/Red Wine Extract

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jesmond | 17:17 Tue 06th Oct 2020 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
Hubby will not eat certain foods that contain red wine but have noticed lately some have red wine extract on the label so the argument is are they the same or not? tia


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I've never heard of it as an ingredient in foods, but as a supplement...resveratrol... it's supposed to give all the heart health benefits of wine without the calories or alcohol.
Don't know if they are the same
As Pasta says it's heavily pushed for its claimed health benefits.
Beat ya! x
There used to be stuff made called cooking wine which was wine with all of the alcohol and some of the water removed. It iused to be sold in supermarkets along with the stock cubes and concentrate.
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It seems to be in alot of italian foods like lasagna
If they are tomato sauce based, then yes, you'd often find red wine as an ingredient. Though checking, I've not seen extract as an ingredient.
Is there a particular reason why your husband does not eat things with red wine?
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Not just red wine but white wine ale as in steak and ale pie etc, doesnt drink so thats why. The red wine extract was in a hearty food co ladagna from tesco

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Red Wine/Red Wine Extract

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