It's finding a balance - bet there's refinement of the zones this week - says he living in a Tier 1 zone....mind you, it's only the I of Wight and the Isles of Scilly that we can visit and that's silly.
he wants to be loved and admired, so he tries very hard to keep the people happy, even if this means making wildly optimistic predictions about test and trace or other world beating advances (or downright fibs).
He is doing his best Ok but if his best is not good enough then should not be putting the people first and admitting it. This is about people dying not a popularity game .
that would be the virus, how is boris or anyone for that matter supposed to stop it, no where in the world is controlling it currently, hopefully that will come when a adequate vacine is found
It's no good saying nobody knows what to do: in the deaths-per-head, UK is currently seventh worst in the world, even worse than the USA (that may change). That's appalling, however you spin it.
Poor old Boris is getting the familiar black prime ministerial rings under his eyes.
Trying to produce a balance - not easy, a lot on his plate.
I think he is trying his best.