Just Thrown Out in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Just Thrown Out

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Vagus | 09:08 Tue 29th Dec 2020 | Food & Drink
36 Answers
Half a tin of sweet corn which has been sitting in the fridge since goodness knows when, and a small box of dark chocolate covered crystallised ginger after trying two of them and deciding they’re really not for me.
Everything else has either been eaten, will be eaten, or turned into soup and frozen.
What’s been chucked in the bin in your house?
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Nothing. It all goes to feed the neighbouring farm's chickens.
So far very little in the bin. We did buy some mint sticks (matchmaker style) from the Range and they were so cheap and revolting they have gone in the bin. I have put a lot of leftovers out for the birds though.
I never throw any food out and Christmas is no different.
Likewise diddlydo
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I really should have put the sweet corn in the soup but it was hiding at the back of the fridge and I didn’t notice it.
Would the chickens eat chocolate gingers? They were a gift, not something I’d ever choose even though I do like the taste of ginger.
Can’t throw things out for the birds as the dog would have a feast and then be sick, not that there was leftovers suitable for them.
What about scraps from plates? What do you do with those?
The chickens eat practically anything, Vagus, even eggshells. I cook the potato peelings for them because the farmer tells me that's what needs to be done. I don't know why it needs to be done. I just do as I'm told. :o)
i have no appetite, so half the dinners have ended up in the bin
which i never do normally
Nothing the dogs or cats eat everything
Half a head of broccoli, the rest of a tin of Quality Street (the soft centres) Luckily most of the other treats were unopened so I took them to the food bank box in Sainsbury's yesterday.
Choc ginger. Would have been chopped and put into cookies
I feel like going to my fridge and throwing out everything in it because I love waste so much!
A bit of leftover red cabbage, I'd put too much cloves in it. I'm off out to buy dried peas for pea and ham soup with some of the left over ham, little goes to waste, ham and mushroom pies will see me through the next few weeks if there's freezer space.
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Rowan, I’d have swapped your soft centres for my chocolate gingers, I love the soft centres.
I don't like chucking food out so will use up as much as possible. Anything that starts to smell funny or go mouldy ends up in the food bin. I'll take mould off any bits of bread and crumble it around the garden for birds.
The foxes have had a portion of leftover turkey breast and, tonight, they will have the last bit of pork pie.
I put any leftovers out for a very young skinny fox that appears every night, especially anything the dogs don’t fancy.
i have some bread which i gave to the birds, not sure whether that is the right thing to do.

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