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Vagus | 13:03 Sat 08th May 2021 | Food & Drink
17 Answers
This evening it’s either
tuna, sweet corn & mayo filled jacket potato
fish finger filled oven bottom muffin with peas
Opinions in this household are divided...


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Errrrrmmmm. Thinks............... Neither really! ;O).

Jacket potato with Tuna and sweet corn fine, but no Mayo. Fish fingers on muffin hard to imagine. We are having the very elaborate dish of sausage mash and peas and I will add a well known brand of ketchup!
Fish finger muffin sounds good, mushy peas?
PS. I had to look up Oven Bottom
We call them oven bottom barms here.
Someone will come on this thread with details of a their delicious five star restaurant style meal they are cooking tonight!
The first one- but definitely no mayo. Salad cream and anchovies.
I like fishy fingers...
Neither, thank you.
Apc...not a 5-star meal, but thought we would try several items from Waitrose's new "Levantine Table" range...
Love a fish finger sandwich mmm
Shoota, you been tickling trout again?
Aye lass, some old ones...
Ginger. That would involve a 30 mile round trip for us. Looks interesting though!
Fish fingers purchased
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Sheldon’s oven bottom muffins are lovely, like a burger bun but way, way nicer. I think fish fingers have won out here..tomato ketchup one side of muffin, tartar sauce the other.
Pixie, yes, must have some salad cream with the mayo mix, a bit bland otherwise.
Ooh, ginge, that range does look tasty, might have a trip to Waitrose next week and give some a go.
Apc, our five star meals these days involve M&S meal deals, we had one last night and I have two more in the freezer. Can’t be bothered with much cooking at the mo.
I couldn't eat tuna without mayo. Not keen on salad cream but I used to love sandwich spread with cheese.

I'm having stir fry veg with edemame beans for dinner. It's in a tub from lidl.
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They’re really good for you aren’t they? Full of protein and other good stuff. I only even bought them once, I should give them another go. I didn’t dislike them just didn’t particularly enjoy them. Stir fry sounds a good way of having them.
I quite like them, they have more of a meaty texture than other beans.

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