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How Do They Grow?

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Barsel | 17:58 Mon 06th Sep 2021 | Food & Drink
26 Answers
I'm putting a list together of which veg grow below the ground and which grow above, but I can't find out how these veg grow. Any help appreciated. TIA
Butternut squash


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I would forgive your proclivity toward flatulence Tills ... if only........
Sweet corn is fairly high carb.
Butternut isn't terribly high...12g per 100g compared to potatoes at 17g.
In the onion family, shallots are the lowest if I'm not mistaken.
Lentils, legumes, beans etc are not considered low carbohydrate foods...though like any starchy food you might try very small amounts.
Best veg are broccoli, cauliflower, all leafy green veg
This is a very useful site for low carb and keto.
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Thanks for that link pasta, it looks really interesting.
Thanks to all for your answers, I'm sure I can work with the info I have now.
Sweet potato good for weight loss
Togo, you're mistaken when you claim that celeriac is the knobbly root part of celery. It's not.

Cultivated celery that we eat in the UK is Apium graveolens, variety graveolens. Celeriac is Apium graveolens, variety rapaceum. These are two distinct cultivars that are different from one another.

Celery does not form a large bulb root. Although celeriac is known as "celery root", it is NOT the root of celery. No one knows how it came to be called the name but any farmer will tell you that celery does not have a bulbous root. Besides, the "leaves" of celeriac, which you rarely see, don't look like celery leaves.
Most of the large, hard celeriac bulb is above ground level in any case and no one in their right mind would confuse the plant with celery.

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