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Brussels Sprouts

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Hopkirk | 23:10 Sat 25th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I've been reminded why I shouldn't eat sprouts. Oh dear.


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.'s you. We thought our weather forecast was wrong... ;-)
Ours were a bit underdone - I should have put them on earlier in November ...
I told you October but would you listen!
Mine had chestnuts with them ( know what ya mean, Hoppy ).
The devil's food
I eat them regularly all year, never bothers me that way.
Hopkirk, are you taking about waste gaseous hydrocarbons? The end is nigh, I tell ya, and it's your end wot's to blame.
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Perhaps COP 26 should have banned them.
sanmacHopkirk, are you taking about waste gaseous hydrocarbons?

sanmac, he'll be having Greta Thunberg mention him in her speeches.
Bazile is right
The devils snot rolled into orbs
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Oh I like them.

They don't like me.
Charcoal is supposed to help battle wind.
Burn a few to alleviate symptoms :-))
To battle wind, turn to port...After a few glasses you won't care about the wind.
What do you call a prostitutes child?

A brothel sprout
dear gawd, Ozz, :-)))
nearly choked on my beer there ozz ;))
So many sprouts...why did I buy 2 packs? Sprout sarnies...hmm...yummy...
Not with gravy on them I hope LiK :-)
Oh, so much gravy...
"Sprout sarnies"
Now I know you're pulling my leg.

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Brussels Sprouts

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