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There's A Restaurant In Belfast, Revolución De Cuba,

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sandyRoe | 10:52 Sat 30th Jul 2022 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Already advertising for Christmas Dinner bookings.
Much too early, or what?


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Christmas trees have advertised on TV for weeks. I don't think it's too early for restaurants to advertise especially if they are hoping for large work bookings.
No. It's not just the restaurants who want to know what's happening at Christmas - it's customers too.
Last week we booked into a very good local Hotel for two nights over Christmas. We will arrive early afternoon Christmas Eve and leave midday Boxing day. It is "all in" and is a suite. Superb food and surroundings in a walled Town with Castlle for two nights and no cooking. Christmas carols and service at a church that is 20yds away if we fancy that. We made enquiries last Christmas and were promised that we would be contacted as soon as they had a tariff. They were as good as their word and so were we. If you do not book that sort of venue now, you are not getting in. They will likely now be fully booked as will all the other decent hotels doing similar. Expensive.
Well done, Togo. Hope you have a good time.

When I worked in Central London we booked our works Christmas do round about March. Any later and you had to have what was left.

For many years I went to the same place for New Year's Eve and booked the next year's do after breakfast on January 1st. I go to different places for NYE now and booked the dinner & dance for Mrs NJ and I to see in 2023 a month ago.
Well with a name like Revolución De Cuba they are several decades out of date, so I guess they are trying to get ahead in other ways.
I recall when I was still at the chalkface the Christmas bun fight was usually booked around Easter! Our local pub was booked up by the middle of September last year.
Is it not one of the off shoot branches of Revolution Bars - which were originally just vodka bars?
Question Author
This place in Belfast may have been part of a franchise. It's housed in a fine old building which was once a bank. A rare example of revolution successfully replacing capitalism.
wonder if they've got the sprouts on?
Question Author
I'm sure they're simmering away nicely. It's a matter of fine judgement to achieve that soggy texture we've all come to expect.
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Is the Kremlin nightclub still there?
Question Author
I think it is, yes. That area where it's located, Upper Donegal St/Unión St, is now considered 'Belfast's Gay Quarter'.
De Cuba used to be Vaudeville
Far too early but the place I work has also got baubles up in a show case ahead of the advertising - along with having built a beach area in the bar.
Sorry pressed return to soon
It’s right next to a new office complex so will be hoping to cash in on all the new clients
Thanks sandy.
Good to hear

Getting back to the topic, there was a Sainsburys not far from us had a tree up in September one time.
I think we should be asking ABEditor to think about getting ours up.
Was thinking of not putting a tree up this year as we’re going away for Christmas and New Year but I couldn’t bear not having my tree and lights up but I’m not sending any cards, instead I’m donating £50 to buy 10 Christmas dinners for the homeless
Sandy, as an aside, whatever became of the Bodega Bar in the city center. Being so close to our barracks in the Grand Central, that was one of our 'safe' bars in which to meet so-called 'informers' when i was on my 3rd tour.
Sounds quite 'Spooks-ish' but my mate Ginge and i were always sent out to meet the 'Spacemen' - those whose info wasn't really credible. Still, my 'expenses' covered a couple of single Martell's:-)
Ken, what’s the bar called which has small booths and if I remember correctly a life size figure of someone?

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