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Number Of Council Waste Bins.

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William51 | 10:39 Wed 15th Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I have often wondered how many wheelie bins councils require to be used in different areas. In West Norfolk we leave out a green recycling bin and a black general waste bin with one left on alternate weeks, and a grey food waste caddy every week. I hear some areas have three or four bins?.


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There are 39 different sets of rules across the UK about what can go into recycling bins - and that's only for plastic!
00:23 Thu 16th Feb 2023
Some councils like people to separate their recycling into various categories, others think t's better for the council to do the separating.
We have black bin for general household waste, green bin for garden waste, blue bag for paper and cardboard, yellow bag for tin and plastic, and a white small bin for glass. No food caddy in this area.
Black bin collected weekly, the rest fortnightly with garden waste alternating with the bags.
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Barry, that is a lot of bins , does it take you long to sort them out?.
We have three bins. Black, general rubbish, emptied every other week. Blue, all recyclable, every other week, alternating with black. Brown, waste food and garden, every three weeks.
We have a similar to barry and just put our waste in the appropriate bin as we take it out.
We go camping all over the country and different sites have different systems ie, some one bin and the council separates, others several bins and rely on the campers to separate their rubbish. What we do notice is that there is nearly always stuff in the wrong bin because people can't be bothered to separate their rubbish.
I really wish the colours could be Co-ordinated across the country. In my home town we have four different coloured bins which do not match with the next town along.
When I go to my holiday cottage, tetrapak bricks go in with tins and plastic bottles but at home they must go with paper/card.
and here in West Berkshire we don't recycle tetrapaks at all.
We have weekly collections of blue paper bin, black glass, metal and plastic bin, food caddy and general refuse bins. Separate lorries for each. And fortnightly garden waste. On windy days the paper from the blue bins ends up over the streets and the foxes love the contents of the black bins.
blue for recyclables, grey for non recyclables, small ones for food, green ones for garden waste. So similar to barry. Doesn't take any time to sort out, you just put them in the right bin as you go along.
In Tamworth we have a black bin for things that can't be recycled, a blue bin for glass,metal and plastic, a big blue bag for paper and card and a green bin for garden waste ( no food waste). The blue and green are put out together and the black on its own on fortnightly rotation. The blue bag is fairly new and a bit awkward to manage but it all works well, in my opinion.
William, it is painless and straightforward, to be honest we are just very grateful that our general waste is collected weekly. I don't know what we would put in a food caddy if we had one, we don't have food waste
We have three, a green, a brown and a grey. Rumour has it we’re soon to have a food waste caddy too. Each of the bins are collected once a fortnight, it’s a good system.
4 bins here.
A small one for bottles, a bigger one for paper, plastic, and tins, another for garden waste, and another for general waste.
Two free, green for recyclable, black for non-recyclable. One chargeable, brown for garden waste. Nothing for glass which is a real pain now I can no longer drive to local disposal point.
We have Big bin for recycling (including glass), little bin for general, a small caddy for the kitchen for food, a large caddy for food(for collection) and a garden waste (option and chargeable). Food is collected every week, general every two weeks with the following day being garden waste and recycling in the alternate week. With recycling they will also take small WEEE items if in a small bag placed on top of the recycle.

Seems to work well. We have two bins in the house as well, one for general, one for recycling (and the food caddy of course)
Vegetable peelings go to the compost. Apart from those where's the food waste?
I eat all that's on my plate.
We have bags here. Blue for paper; orange for plastic and tins; red for cardboard and a black plastic box for glass.
Alternate weeks with bin bags for general rubbish.
Compost deals with any prep waste and seagulls and rooks deal with any food waste.
Black - general waste, every other week
Orange - recycled )
Green garden. ) every other week
1 large & 1 small food caddy every week
Unbelievably we are not provided with a glass recycling bin
Central Bedfordshire
Interesting answers but it would be more interesting if we knew the locations of the correspondents. Only a couple of replies mentioned where they were located.

Here in Redditch, Worcestershire, we have two bins, one black bin for general waste, and one green bin for recycling, including glass and TetraPak cartons.

There should also be a bin for garden waste, but since I moved here they aren't available. So I can't tell you the bin colour .. or the cost!
Here in Carmarthenshire we have blue recycling bags (unlimited number) and a food caddy collected every Tuesday and black sack general waste collected every 3rd Monday (3 max) along with a black box for glass.

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