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What's On The Menu Later?

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LadyCG | 10:44 Sat 29th Jul 2023 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
We have just had a very enjoyable brunch of scrambled eggs and sautéed baby plum tomatoes:

We're having Salmon and salad later.

Looking for ideas as usual...


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Chicken tikka masala, roti, salad, onion bhajis, and if I can be bothered masala chaat roast cauliflower.
Indian, celebrating the 18th birthday/going off to college in America for at least two years of my nephew.
Just the family.
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That sounds lovely, Rowan. I bet it will look and taste lovely too.

We've over-indulged in Gdansk and only have 3 weeks until our all-inclusive in Turkey so no carbs or vino for us until we go.
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Excellent Douglas. A celebration and an Indian - what's not to love?

What's your preferred Indian dish?
Anything with Cobra but probably chicken Madras.
Hi LadyC, I read earlier in the week someone making their own beef burgers. So took out some Minced beef from the freezer last night, I know how to make them so it will be Home made Cheeseburgers.

It does look lovely where you're staying, I've never been.
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It was a wonderful place, Arky, with such a great vibe. There are so many beautiful Polish cities to choose from. I'm considering Wroclaw, Lublin or Torun next - would love to hear opinions from anyone who's been to any of those. The latter was the birthplace of Copernicus I believe (?).

I'm sure your burgers will be fantastic. Let me know how they turn out and I might try making my own.

Can't beat a Madras and a Cobra, Doug. :-)
Himself wants mince and dumplings of all things :0/
Whats he having to eat?
Lazy day don't feel like cooking so we will be having a takeaway of vindaloo, coconut rice, sag aloo & naan.
My Ex, being half polish has been to the homeland a few times, her favourite city is Krakow, although her family comes from the Tatra mountains.
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Not from Zakopane, perchance? We considered a day trip there when we were in Krakow in 2019.

Sharon, I've got a bit of food envy now! ;)
Geoffrey, your link is from 7 months ago and is for smoked salmon. I'm sure all suspect supplies were removed from stores long ago.
I don't know about that Pasta. I'm sure I saw something about not eating smoked salmon just recently.
I didn't read it as it's something I don't eat.
spagbol...with garlic bread.
^^ yum yum.
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Fender, my little boy is obsessed with that. I only give him two slices of garlic "red" at a time otherwise he won't eat the rest of his dinner.
LadyCG/ You mentioned Torun - I have a friend cycling out there at the moment and, from Instagram pictures, it looks lovely - apparently famous for gingerbread and shop windows beautifully decorated with different kinds, cookies, etc. Don't know where he is going next but is on a ferry.

Eats - just had a jacket potato with cheese and Spring onion.

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