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Vagus | 16:52 Fri 15th Dec 2023 | Food & Drink
26 Answers

It comes round so quickly these days, our Friday fish evening meal.

Tonight it's breaded cod loins (who knew a cod had loins?? Indeed, what exactly is a loin???) with mushy peas and oven chips.

With a few soft delicious medjule dates for afters.

What are you having tonight?



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I only buy the loins of white fish - it's the thick part in the middle, as opposed to the thin tails. 

Pork belly for us tonight, with braised cabbage, mash, carrots and sprouts.

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Ok Barry, make room at the table, I'm on my way over, pork belly I simply cannot resist (we only have Friday fish because it's good for us, we'd both much rather have something else really) and combined with sprouts and all the rest of it, well, I'm in love πŸ©·πŸ‘πŸ˜

Looking forward to my Indian Takeaway tonight. Decided I'm having lamb vindaloo, coconut rice, saag & naan bread. With lashings of chutney & raita.

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Ok Sharon, after I've been to Barry's I'll be knocking at your door πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‹

We do eat a fair bit of fish every week, just not always on a Friday.

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Last Friday we had fish fingers, Friday before we had scampi..we both really enjoy scampi, I'm not sure it's classed as fish though, seems to have more coating than scampi.

Id really like us to like fish more, apart from scampi, and a pasta thing I do occasionally with salmon, peas and hollandaise sauce, it always seems a bit of a waste of a meal.

We really enjoy stuffed trout, we use a variety of fillings and it's a good way to use up those prawns that have been languishing in the freezer, or just simply done with slices of lemon, orange and dill.   

We had basa with baked beans. I know, terrible choice of accompaniment. Cold beans, of course. Can't bear them hot. 

I did OH baked sicilian swordfish and fresh veg, I had some cold chicken with the veg. I can't stand fish.

Cowboy tea...chops, sausages, tomatoes, toast and eggs.

duck risotto followed by a Coop peach and raspberry sorbet - which is delish.....

Chippy tea , he had cod n chips I had code bites with the dogs having my leftovers.

I had my Friday fish last night...pan fried cod, prawns, baby plum tomatoes and spring onions. 

Tonight it's a shallot, cheddar and parmesan omelette. Berries and cream, or creme bruleé for afters. 

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Clover if it floats your boat then why not? I love baked beans any which way they come.

whats swordfish like, is it meaty or full of bones?

Tilly, I thought cowboy tea was bacon and beans! That's a lot of meat with chops AND sausage, don't think I could eat all that..

Co op stuff is really nice DTC

Did you enjoy it Helen? I'm always a bit disappointed with a chippy tea and wish I'd just had a toasted sandwich or something instead.

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Sounds good pasta, both last night and tonight

I like these bites they don't have them often.

in breadcrumbs so not greasy. He loves a chippy tea so I go along with it

Never, ever, eat fresh fish. It's one of the two biggest causes of stomach upsets in this country. T'other is fresh chicken. No thanks!

I was full of good intentions to make black bean chicken but can't be bothered so it's probably going to be spaghetti carbonara with a side salad.

Vagus, swordfish is meaty and the steak comes without any bones.

kedgeree for us

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