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Decrease Calorie Intake

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DanicaDoodle | 22:40 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
9 Answers

How do I reduce my calorie consumption from 2000 calories to 1500 calories and then further down to 1200 calories? I also need to maintain proper macros of around 90g protein, 105g carbs, and 47g fats, which are overshot daily. 



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You don't give your age but I'd question why you'd want <2000 daily. I suspect you're going overboard.

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I am 30 year old female 


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I am also tiny at only 5 feet tall 

Why do you want to do this?

Jessica (and drobi) have been trying to do this for well over a year. Maybe the past advice didn't help

Danica (and drobi) have been trying to do this for well over a year. Maybe the past advice didn't help

You dont mention your weight but the mid safe band for your height is approx 8 stone, 112 lbs, 51kg. Unless you eat specific junk a general reduction across your intake and an increased level of exercise should do the trick.

You have asked a lot of questions about meal planning, food and diet.

Get your protein from lean meat such as venison, beef and chicken and fish.  Oily fish such as salmon, trout and tuna will give you healthy fat as well as protein.

Get your carbs from small portions of potatoes, rice, pasta, healthy cereal such as porridge oats and good quality bread.  Don't cut out carby veg such as broad beans, kidney beans, corn, brussels sprouts as these are also good for fibre.

Eat three meals a day, and have fruit for snacks.

Burn calories by additional exercise. 

Bear in mind that 100g of carbs is 410 calories, 90g of protein is 360 calories and 45g of fat is 405 calories approximately.

Come on 08.48 BA!!! You know it makes sense. ; )

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Decrease Calorie Intake

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