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Problem With E21 Notice On My Bosch Washing Machine

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Ch49 | 15:05 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
6 Answers

I have an E21 notice appeared on my Bosch washing machine. I knelt down and undid the filter ( water everywhere). Still showing E21 then cleared a lot of gunge from the rubber ring inside. Still no good.

I remember this happening some time ago and my husband managed to find a way to clear it by using the machine controls.

Any help would be greatly appreciated 



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Videos on youtube show you how. "Bosch machine E21 error fix"

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Yes I have have had a look but none of the machines look like mine !


Do you not have a manual that has error codes in ?

My Miele manual has a fault-finding guide with error codes and how to put them right.

Good afternoon,

Taken from the internet

The E21 error code on a Bosch washing machine indicates a problem with the motor, causing the machine to stop running. Here are some things you can try:

Reset the washing machine: Turn off the washing machine and then turn it back on after three minutes.

Contact Bosch customer service: If the error persists, you can contact Bosch customer service to arrange a service appointment. 

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Thank you everybody but in the end I had to call in a very nice man. The solutions may have been possible but there was no way I could have moved the machine out to turn it off.

Thank you anyway.

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Problem With E21 Notice On My Bosch Washing Machine

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