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What Is Your Favorite Seasoning To Put On Fried Eggs?

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StupidGuy | 14:35 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
13 Answers

Mine ties between Italian mix, and classic salt.



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Just salt, couldn't eat an egg without salt.

Chilli flakes.

Another salt here too.

Salt, vinegar and HP

Just pepper.

Salt and plenty of white pepper.

Black pepper

Never have fried eggs...but on scrambled or omelette, we use Just Spices "Egg Topping".

Harissa...I learned to fry them in it from my daughter.

I do mine with a large whisky, 'tis the seasoning to be jolly.

Nothing.  Just as they are for me.  Same with jacket potatoes.  

Salt n pepper.

white pepper

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