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Container Or Something For Storing Mushrooms In The Fridge Or Even Freezer

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joko | 16:14 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
9 Answers

Is there in existence any type of special container or anything that can help keep my mushrooms fresh longer?
it drives me mad how fast they go weird.

I have health issues & IBS etc so a sensitive stomach so im always quite cautious about things that smell a bit weird, so end up binning them.

ive tried wrapping them in kitchen roll but it doesnt help much,

paper bag,  making a hole in their bag, not putting them in the fridge at all, nothing makes much difference, or causes them to dry & shrivel.

i sometimes just cook them all & then freeze them but then theyre only good in a chilli or something.

Any ideas?






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I don't know if any special containers.  Can you not buy your mushrooms loose so you just get what you need?  That's what I do because they don't keep well.

I've tried everything and had no success.  I just buy them when I need them now, but my greengrocer is only 5 minutes away 

Supermarkets sell mushrooms pre-packed in larger quantities than I need so I don't often buy them. Mushrooms must be 90%+ water so if left open they will soon dry out & shrivel up. If left in a closed container they sweat & become manky.

Long & short - I have no ideas!

I used to have such a container but it was soo small as to be practically useless.

Not mush room y'see.

Yours etc


Fun Gus.

You could try keeping them submerged in brandy. Let us know how you get on.

I keep mine in the veg. box in the bottom of the fridge.  I always remove plastic wrapping and I turn them over every day so they don't start to get slimy. That way they last well, for up to a week.

You could  make mushroom soup with the ones you don't use immediately and then freeze the soup - just don't make cream of mushroom soup. If you want to do that, use less water so ssoup is condensed and add cream when defrosted and before use.  Hope this helps.

You seem to have tried most of the options here but at least the link suggests which one you might have the best success with:

I think a brown paper bag is recommended - either that or eat them.

I've grown to accept that they don't keep for long. 

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Container Or Something For Storing Mushrooms In The Fridge Or Even Freezer

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