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Warburtons Giant Crumpets

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noisynose | 01:07 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
17 Answers

I love these,but wondered if anyone had suggestions on how use them for different recipes

I have made a nice pizza with one,any suggestions will be most welcome 

Thanks Gordon😁



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There are 34 recipes, using Warburton's crumpets, on the company's own website:
01:17 Mon 12th Aug 2024

There are 34 recipes, using Warburton's crumpets, on the company's own website:

Only problem ....we don't have them out here 😒

Hi Gordon, great to see you're eating well 😘

Wassat ? BBW ?

Not new recipe, but I do mine in the air fryer 2 mins at 180c, butter yhem and then back at 200c for 3 mins, poached eggs on top Sunday breakfast sorted. Quantity of eggs depends on your appetite, and size of eggs.

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A really BIG thank you to Buenchico for all the links

You are determined to keep me busy

I will let you know how any of them work 

Seekeerz shame you cannot get them where you are (where are you?)

Yes,I am eating well,thanks for being concerned

Netherfield Great to know that I can do them in the air fryer I just wouldn't be without mine!

Mmm poached eggs on giant crumpet here I come!

My avatar should give you a clue, Gordon πŸ€— you got an airfyer! I remember your indecision. What are you making...besides crumpets. 

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Apologies seekeerz but I use Android phone and the avatars are minute on it!

^^^ Here's a bigger version for you then!

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Hi there pastafreak

Well, sort of cooking just about everything,both chilled and frozen.Just cook on original temperature for half the time.

Recently discovered Sainsburys hash brown bites,11 minutes in oven,instead of 22 in oven!

I have a Daewoo two drawer and don't know why I hesitated buying one

Making lunch later in it,after playing croquet in the garden of flats

We have standards to keep up here in Rye!


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Sorry 11 minutes in airfryer that should read!πŸ˜†

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Aww thanks Buenchico for that

Sad that it's not possible to get Giant Crumpets in Oz

I think we should ask Warburtons to start selling them there?


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For the attention of 


I emailed Warburtons Customer Service

They said that they have only recently started to sell in Australia,and that they will consider Giant Crumpets

So you may get them in Oz eventually,they ARE worth waiting for

Regards Gordon

Oh that's lovely thank you, the only crumpets we can buy have been available for years and like so many other products, have deteriorated slowly to make them really not worth the effort to even buy them.

perhaps having some overseas competition might persuade them to lift their game.

I'm sorry Chris managed to find one of my x-rated photos ....I look as if I'm totally off my face πŸ€”πŸ€ͺ

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Go to

Where they are already selling some Warburtons products,and hopefully in the future Giant Crumpets!

Kind Regards Gordon 


Bit off the subject but if you like Jazz the Rye Festival starts next week at some good eateries

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