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What Does 'Green Dot' Mean Here?

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joko | 18:28 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
6 Answers

my Heinz american style burger sauce has no 'use within' date.
It has a BB date on the lid - which mid 2025,
but usually sauces etc say something like 'once opened consume within 8 weeks' etc

So i looked on heinz website is it says this - 

After opening refrigerate.
Best before - see cap. Green Dot"

but still no use by date

Any ideas what it means?

are they saying their sauce will last over a year once opened?

thanks :)



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It is vegetarian   ... for burgers. 🤣

My jar/plastic bottle is much the same.It says 'STORAGE: After opening refrigerate. Best before - see cap.'  The date on the cap is 28/08/2024 - so I assume that the sauce has to be consumed by then, or thrown out (if you're obedient or cautious). Like you, I am more used to instructions such as 'Once opened, use within 2/4/whatever weeks.'

People seem to have lost the ability to tell when something is no longer fit to eat. A lot use by dates have been removed and now best before dates are shown.

Use by and Best Before are mere marketing ploys with no scientific basis as it all depends on storage conditions. 

Use before is them telling you the latest date it is safe to eat.

Best before is about the quality, after the best before date quality may deteriorate but it can still be safe to eat.

in practice, use common sense, nose and eyes!

If it isn't fizzy, and doesn't smell 'off' then it's okay to eat.

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