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Spoons Up To Their Old Tricks Again!!

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piggynose | 21:01 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
23 Answers

I say again!  I´m in Blighty for a brief break, so me and the mrs had a meal in Spoons today. I had worked out the cost, paid at the bar, and assumed everything would be ok, i wasn´t wearing my glasses. Back to my table put my glasses on and discovered id been overcharged by a quid! Went back to the bar to get an explanation. After a lot of faffing about, it turned out id been given the more expensive extra option to my meal. This initially didnt make any sense, cuz on the menu card,the more expensive option wasnt easy to find, as it was at the bottom of the list. I came to a conclusion that spoons are always doing this, and cuz the customer is either tipsy or 1/2 soaked doesn´t complain. Rant over!!



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What we didn't have in the Fifties but have got now.

Railway lines sprouting lots of weeds.

Roads lined with litter.

Potholes galore.

Homeless in cardboard boxes in the streets.

Raw sewage on our beaches.

Loads of graffitti on buildings and trains.

So, distinctly more shabby


Why go back to Spoons if they always rip you off? 
I use the app. Never had a problem because I click on the items I want to order myself and remove the element of another human's error. 

don't knock the railway lines, Canary, how else would the foxes find their way to town to live the life of Riley?

Dead right about the graffiti, though. And people didn't litter the pavements with bikes in the 50s.

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