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Euary Air Fryer

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Ch49 | 18:30 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
2 Answers

I have just bought a new Euary air fryer but there are no user instructions. Any help would be appreciated 



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Google them online.

^^^ I'd already tried that, Netherfield.  It didn't help.  🙁

Your best bet, Ch49, is almost certainly to go back to the retailer to demand the instructions (and the recipe book) that are meant to come with it.

Otherwise the pre-programmed settings will probably be fairly intuitive.  (e.g. just press the button with a picture of a chicken joint on it to cook chicken).  For everything else, a bit of trial and error will be needed. (You generally need to reduce the time, compared to oven cooking, and possibly lower the temperature a bit too).

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