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Brie Or Camembert?

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Toorak | 20:34 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
19 Answers

Bednobs' thread got me thinking about brie and Camembert . I used to like brie but now I find it too creamy and prefer a runny Camembert which I think has more 'punch'. Which do you prefer and why?



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Stilton every time, I love that salty taste.

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I love Stilton too - but in small amounts 

I just love cheese.  Anyone tried a creamy Coverdale (made at Hawes)?

I've grown to like baked Camembert, but I can't t.b.h. decide which of Brie or Camembert I prefer!  They are so different.

There's another blue cheese I like saltier than Stilton which I've banned myself from buying because it's so moreish that as soon as i start on it I go on to eat the whole lot. Yet I can't for the moment remember what it's called đŸ˜€

I still love both of them. Either is acceptable on a cheese board; Brie and grape is a lovely sandwich, but not quite as nice as our weird sandwich concoction, Camembert and banana.

Tops though is baked Camembert drizzled with honey straight from the oven.

^ Shropshire blue?

Love most cheese except halloumi, don't know how anyone eats it!

Oh, Elliemay, how can you say that? It's delicious when grilled.

Up until yesterday I would have said I love all cheeses, but we bought some from a Craft Fair recently (no name on it), both took one bite and £5 of tasteless, guey, horrible cheese went in the bin.



Stronger the better and runnier the better. And has to be with Rakusen's Matzos.


M&S do a really good Welsh rinded soft pungent cheese at the moment, but I can't remember the name, where they have out-Frenched the French.

My favourite is Vacherin.


Cheese is my weakness!

Halloumi's rather too bland for me.  


Saint Agur's the name I couldn't remember.  I love it.

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Thanks for the replies. I love all cheese but the stronger/more pungent the better. 

Yes i love St Agur too  Canary and there is also a creamy spreadier version which is  addictive.  

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St Augur is also a favourite of mine. I also love Beemster Dutch cheese - lovely and nutty.

Captain - camambert and banana: the mind boggles 🤔

I dare you to try it, Toorak and report back. Honestly it's delightful.

Between brie and camembert it really depends on my mood and what I'm having it with. I have a recipe for a baked mushroom risotto topped with camembert. I really need to stop myself from being a complete piggy.

I like blue cheeses and runny cheeses. A very mature cheddar is for anytime. Sainsbury's has a lovely aged Shropshire Red...very more-ish. 

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I will give it a go Captain - I love brie and cranberry sandwiches so maybe not so odd after all 🤞

Pasta - the rissotto sounds delicious but I have a mushroom intolerance  â˜šī¸

Toorak...Do it with crispy bacon bits instead, or caramelised shallots. 

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Thank you Pasta - I will try that. I like a creamy rissotto


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