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Top Deck

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renegadefm | 18:08 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Anyone remember Top Deck soft drinks?


I used to love these as a child as you could legally buy them even though they had a fraction of alcohol in them. 

But I really did enjoy the taste of them. 

Limeaid & Lager I think was my favourite.


I think they we're sadly discontinued in the mid 90's. 


Anyone remember them? 



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I do, my lads enjoyed them when they were at school

Not a patch on Ben Shaw's though


Yes, we used to pretend to get drunk on them, even though they likely contained less alcohol than cough medicine! My favourite was the lager & lime shandy.

Oh yes! Top Deck shandy. Cresta - it's frothy man! Adore a - Kiaora. Lilt. R. Whites lemonade - I'm a secret lemonade drinker! I used to play golf with a Ray White.

and the best dandelion & burdock is Ben Shaws.

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