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Liver And Onions

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Vagus | 16:52 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Food & Drink
30 Answers

Found some of the above in the freezer, had completely forgotten about it. So that's my evening meal sorted, having it with carrot and swede mash, and some Idaho mashed potato, which made me think of Sqad 😕

Tomorrow I'm making a batch of ragu, and the same of chilli. In the next week or two I intend to make some stroganoff, goulash, and boeuf bourgognonne. Latest blood test shows I'm a tad anaemic which I think is due to our mainly veggie diet so I'm upping the meat for a while.

Anyone do anything interesting with liver? Mine was cooked with bacon and onions.



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The best liver is 'Foie de Genisse' (Heifer's liver).  Calves used to be kept cruelly and slaughtered early in France (a friend bought a farm which had all the narrow pens still existing) but now they are kept humanely until about 18 months old.  It's sold here, if you can get it, as 'Rose Liver'.

I don't know if anyone has suggested frying chopped liver, chopped, bacon and onions together in a beefy sauce - add garlic for sparkle - and serving with either creamed spuds or rice.  Yum!   

Sadly, I can't have liver now - too much iron!!!

PS  I love Foie Gras as well, just to give some support to curlyfries.  Down to my last tin - saving it for Christmas. It is gorgeous, I didn't think I'd like it - same as raw oysters.

I was very firmly informed that modern mass production methods do not shove tubes down throats - just provide constant food and the geese eat it.  The traditional way is kept for tourists and purists.

Jourdain that does sound tempting, I love liver and onions I'm sure I've cooked very similar before, my freezer is looking a bit sad and lonely at the moment but Tesco order due on Friday so time to add a few bits.

Tonight nothing too exciting just a chicken curry ready meal.

We were even more boring, Arksided, omelette, mushrooms and chips!

I had a cup of soup and half a ham wrap. Looking forward to cooking a nice, spicy chilli tomorrow.

To me food always seems to taste better when someone else cooks it for me. So I'd be happy with that...

Adding Mushrooms to list 😋

Mke them Chestnut mushrooms, Arksided, much tastier. :)

ok not sure if i've tried them, usually the button ones with a bit of garlic in butter bacon etc...

I've always loved liver, as a child my mum would buy it just for me, if I think it is going to be a little bitter than I will soak it in milk for half an hour. After my second baby I was given the usual iron tablets, 1970s, and I said that I hadn't taken them all through the pregnancy and they were appalled until they tested my blood and saw how healthy it was.  I put that down to the liver I ate.

I  do it with smokey bacon, onions and mushrooms, the liver is flash fried to keep it pinkish. We all seem to be filling the freezer, I too have done batches of bolognese sauce, chilli and curry this last week

Wow I always thought it were an ol' wives tales that eating liver were good for you... I don't mean Hannibal Lecter either.

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