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Poison Meat

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JamesEverton | 11:12 Wed 01st Feb 2006 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

What is it about meats like pork and poultry that mean that they have to be thoroughly cooked? Obviously there are some nasties in there that need to be killed but I'm confused about where they come from: is it after the animal is slaughtered or do they carry them around whilst they are alive? Have these meats always needed to be treated carefully or has intensive farming made them more dangerous?

Why isn't beef and lamb similarly affected?


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All livestock carries endoparasites and ectoparasites. Depending on handling - from raising/feeding regimes to slaughterhouse and rendering practices - will increase or reduce potential contamination. Also different animals carry different degrees of infection - salmonellas, coccidiosis, campylobacter etc. Probably answers the question enough here:

Oh and don't forget the pesticide, fungicide, bactericide and fertliser residue you find on veg and fruit that causes cancers and other illnesses with long term implications. Long disctance distribution practices and overly long storage by packers for supermarkets requires the need to have higher quantities of chemicals to get sufficient crop to warrant harvesting then the handling becomes an issue. Always rinse fruit and veg before eating/cooking.

Latest news is that too much red meat can cause DNA in humans to alter and can cause cancer in the bowel. But, eating the chemicals present in unwashed veg is as bad. As is eating 'poorly produced' meat products - overly processed, swamped with chemicals, etc etc or uncertain sourced 'fresh' meats.

DNA can change for many reasons (if you know all the reasons why you've just found a cure for cancer) so taking senible advice and being aware of what you eat and proper handling and cooking and you should live to see global warming in all its glory!!

er ..... looks like the only safe thing left in the world is a Cadbury's flake

Cadsburys Flake safe?????????? Rant follows:-

Wrapped in plastics that transfer to the choc and build up in the body to give you cancer; nearly 50% of your daily amount of fat in one bar as well; hydrogenated fat too, which is such a no-no; no guarantee that it is GM free product either I gather (could be wrong, but can be checked); no known source of the cocoa - workers rights? Are they bothered? - and a hideous price for the simple pleasure or shoving it in and out of your mouth a couple of times like they do in the adverts......and have you ever checked the storage time for one of the little darlings?

Rant over. No, the only safe food is that that casts no shadow. Track it down and enjoy!! if you want to drool over the choccies from round the world.

So once the pork or chicken have been thoroughly cooked and left in a fridge is it OK to eat them cold?

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Poison Meat

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