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minty drink

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glenis | 01:29 Mon 06th Feb 2006 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
my fav drink at the moment is peppermint cordial topped up with sparkling water, ice cold from the fridge ,and just wondered why no maufacturer produces a minty drink ?


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I remember a couple of years ago being revolted by a drink called Apollinaris Mint. Well and truly vile. I've looked around but can't find much about this drink, so I can only assume it was taken off the (German) market pretty quickly. Here's a link to an unflattering test report. Sorry, couldn't find anything in English.
My aunt once brought back some "interesting" things from her camping holiday in france. One of them was dilluting juice - mint flavour. I had to try it, and yes, it just tasted like mouthwash, i was scared to swallow, just wanted to gargle and spit. Maybe thats why you dont get so many minty drinks.
They do. It's alcoholic and called Creme De Menth. (assumtion on the spelling before anyone posts in)
Menthe Perrier (mint cordial and sparkling water) is a very popular aperitif in France. Very refreshing on a hot summers day !!
creme de menthe and ginger ale is wonderful, especially on a hot day
Drinking peppermint can cause heartburn in some people
i thought peppermint made heartburn and indigestion feel better?

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