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Ice cream recipes

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andyjevs | 18:04 Fri 10th Feb 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Anyone got any. I've had conflicting advice on whether to use eggs or not and whether i can use whipping cream instead of double cream.

I plan to do a small strawberry ice cream, a small lemon ice cream and maybe a strawberry and lemon ice cream.

Your help is most welcome




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Don't know about cream, however you can now buy pasteurised egg/egg white from supermarkets to avoid introducing Salmonella to the ice cream.
The classic way of making ice-cream is to use a creme anglais. Heat � pint of milk in a saucepan with a vanilla pod (seeds scraped out). Don't let the milk boil. In a seperate bowl, whisk together 4 egg yolks and 55g caster sugar until pale and fluffy. Slowly pour the heated milk onto the egg mix, whisking all the time, then transfer it all back into the saucepan. Place over a medium heat, stirring continuously until thickened. Allow to cool. Once cooled, add your required flavours (lemon/strawberry), and a little double cream to enrich. Place in a gelatiere (ice-cream machine) until frozen down.

this site looks good

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