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gerallt | 11:02 Sun 29th Dec 2002 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
what makes the colour of lasagne verde green?


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I believe it's spinach.
aaarrrgghhh cetti, I finally find a foodie question i can answer and you beat me to it. C'est la vie.....but i can confirm that your right it is spinach that's used to make all types of pasta green.
Sorry sft42 - I'm just idleing (?) about!! I really hope you're feeling a little better now.
Thank you cetti yes i am.....A few therapy sessions here and there and a blast with a bottle of blue hair dye did the trick!!!! My apologies to geralt for hijaking your question as well!!
and red pasta is made red using tomato, just in case that was your next question

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