Chocolate in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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aka pixi | 08:17 Wed 31st May 2006 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
I have stopped eating chocolate. Yes I have!! Im not fibbing. Since Sunday I have only had 4 or 5 little squares of chocolate and its killing me. No matter what I am doing all I can think of is chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Big gooey chocolate cakes covered with melted dripping chocolate, flakes and buttons and turkish delights bars....you get the picture lol. What can I do to take my mind off chocolate? Im gonna give in, I know I am. Help pleaseeeeeeeee
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Hi pixi, you're doing VERY well if you've only had 4 or 5 little squares of chocolate since Sunday - I'm impressed! You've GOT to find something else to munch on, if I need something sweet and there's no choc then I have a yoghurt. Or maybe you could try and train your taste buds away from chocolate and have a ryvita or something similar. If you really MUST have chocolate go for those small bars like animal bars or the cadburys equivalent (I don't know what they're called but they are only thin bars of chocolate). Good luck and keep up the hard work.
Have you given it up for a reason ie weight loss?? If so then very very well done,but on any diet you are still allowed the odd little bit! And if you are a chocoholic then you are doing brilliantly!!
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hi spudqueen, long time no see :) how you doing?

Thanks for your reply. I thought about the little bars of chocolate, I can get 14 chomps for a pound at the local shop and planned to eat 2 a night over the week :( unfortunately I ate them in a couple of days :( I decided the best way was to have no chocolate in the house at all. So instead I stocked up on loads of fruit but its just so boring :( Cheers for the yoghurt idea, I had never thought of that. I know if I can go a week or so without any choc the craving will go and I will be fine but its getting over the first week. Its harder than trying to stop smoking :(

choclate mousse!! it's what i eat if i get a chocolate craving. it's a lot lower in fat and you get that chocolatey taste xXx p.s well done for giving it up!!
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hi kazz, sorry, you werent there when i did my last reply. Im trying to give it up as Im a complete chocoholic. Im actually a little worried about losing weight with not eating it as Im only little and pretty skinny to start with and I reckon at least a third of my calorie intake comes from goodies (I have stopped eating crisps and biscuits too )
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CHOCOLATE MOUSSE!!!! oops sorry for shouting jo, but I think you may have saved my sanity :D

skinny and a chocoholic!! How unfair can life be!! lol

Seriously,Ive given up alcohol since sunday as well and that must be full of calories so hopefully I will have a weight loss too! Mind you,if it doesnt make you put on weight and you like it......hee hee

we buy tesco or asda ones they are yummy!!
oh and yay pixi and kazzi you are over half way through your first week!! that has got to be the hardest bit and you are nearly there!!! you are both a lot stronger than me i couldn't give up anything if i tried!!
what do you want to give up for if you're skinny? You in training for the anorexic olympics or something? God, if I could eat chocolate and be skinny I would. In fact, though I can only eat chocolate and be fat, I still do.

Yes pixi - why are you giving the chocs up then??

Morning dear Pixi :-) i did the same thing and bought cadburys cocoa powder and had hot chocolate instead.... ;-) B xxxx
Hello Pixi when I gave it up for lent water really helped and though I still love it i cant manage as much as b4

Morning pixi, why give up ?

If you must, try eating liquorice instead. I am addicted to it now after a friend sent me some. You can also pat yourself on the back in that it is very 'health-foody'

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awwwww Ive tried 3 times to post a long reply to everyone but keep getting taken to an error page. So....thanks everyone for your ideas. The reason Im giving up is cos Im like a pig when I have chocolate.

good luck with giving the alcohol up kazz :)

nowt wrong with a good bit of choccy hun..... have you tried the Lindt Lindor bars? they are so sweet and rich that you cant do a whole bar.... lol....


yeah but a skinny pig pixi! ya lucky sod
Morning Pixi, well done , i thought that a chocolate craving was supposed to be your body telling you it is short of something, iron I think isn't it? I know it I am overtired I can crave chocolate but normally I don't fancy it. Go into one of the health food stores and tell them what you have been like (A health food store can be found in your local high street and it usually is painted green pixi! lol)

hmmmmmmmmmmm..... and what else does chocolate signify a craving for Dot?..... ;-)

is chocolate better than sex? lol......

hi pixi - testing testing I wrote a long reply & it vanished twice too :o(

will try again later hope you're ok x

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