anyone got a good method for getting rid of a newish beer belly(its not that bad yet), i know stopping the consumption of the stuff is the main way but a particular exercise or diet would be useful.
are you saying that you aren't even gonna stop or cut down on the booze?
If that's the case no exercise or diet in the world will get rid of the belly!
May i suggest a girdle in that case?
I'm locking onto this thread, kaz you're a bit special to like that, are you married;-) Its all down to calories and exercise to shift it, you gotta burn it then you can have a few beers (calories). Unfortunately I like my beer, eat too late, and don't exercise enough. Everything else is well toned but the six pack has gone. Think I drank it!!
yeah babes, im married. and guess what, he is slim with a 6 pack. i love a cuddle from a big guy...ive got a thing about the guy in shaun of the know the guy who plays his playstation all day and drinks all the time and is a total slob!! hehe, i love him to bits. i recently chatted a huge guy up at a night out and he said he couldnt believe a gal like me even gave him the time of day...bring on the big boys!!!!