Does anybody remember the secret chocolate bar. It was marsh mellow in the middle surrounded by fine weaves of chocolate (abit like a birds nest. Everyone i have spoke to does not remember them.
i loved them and thought they were going to be huge.
I loved the way you had to pull out the little tray and the crack of the chocolate as you bit them - in a flake kind of way.
I was at weight watchers at the time they came out and decided that i would have one as a treat after weigh in.
My friend and i used to say it was worth the extra calories, or "sin". In fact we even made our own slogan:
I remember them very well... they were quite unique. But very fragile - they came in cardboard reinforced casing, then wrapped. They were usually broken when you came to eat one. I liked the filling and the milk chocolate texture- like you say, like a bird's nest.