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bfascione | 20:19 Sun 03rd Dec 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
first colour patent in the U S first all transister receiver by who and when what links a dingle to a grasshopper whos missing gaz janet johnie louise - what was cliff claybournes job


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It is very difficult to tell where one question ends and the next starts. Have you never heard of punctuation?

Is there a Katy Dingle? If so, there is a katydid which is a type of grasshopper.
Cliff was a postman, cheers, P.
Who was missing Gaz?

I don't think it was any of the ones suggested. I think Janet was with Jonny. Louise was the dippy one. If anyone was missing Gaz it was Donna, but I don't think she ever admited it, but I haven't seen all the episodes of "Two Pints . . . "

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