Hi Naz,,I thought it best not to ask for a pimms after sunset cos the bartender will get annoyed by having to make such a complicated drink unless one's name is Wills or Harry.I liked the Damned cover the other nite, have been trying to play it on geetar , do you play any instruments or sing yourself? Would you go in for the X-Factor to teach them some lessons in taste or is just too naff to be worth the while?
ps janetweiss I think it is because it is intrinsically linked with the tennis circuit and hence it is 'end of play' once the sun has gone down, (I live near Wimbledon and a tennis lady told me that, so sue her, and not me, if she's wrong). Good luck if it is a comp entry.
Yes, Janetweiss (cool name) , I think the Pimms answer is to do with sponsorship, so the sailing answer would explain the Pimms sunshades in lovely locations.
Naz, I am impressed by your musical expertise, what a brilliant amount of instruments...the only unusual one I have is a mandolin . I like Brian Jones' range of instruments, it was cool. The reason I mentioned the X-factor is that someone has dared me to enter it and I hate to turn down a dare, it seems so dastardly & cowardly, even at the risk of my reputation and integrity! (plus I'd had a couple of bevs when I agreed to do it...oh dear...)
Hi Janet...the only other reason I can think of is that in the 1920s some socialites such as the right-wing Nancy Mitford tended to write about social etiquette and the 'cocktail hour' (for example, suitable drinks for certain times of day). I don't know if she (or others) mentioned Pimms specifically but she did decree that alcohol shouldn't be taken before 11am. I can only think that these upper-class socialites' ideas filtered down to the middle classes and that is the reason. However I think that people drink Pimms at any time of day now. btw, Naz if you read this, I got through the producers' round of Xfactor last year but then got flu, but my friends will still not let me off the same bet as they want to see how I would fare with the actual judges. How cruel is that?!