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quizee1 | 13:30 Sun 18th Feb 2007 | Food & Drink
29 Answers
Can anyone out there think of a really catchy or unusual name for a new sandwich shop? Looking for something different, away from the obvious, but still recognisable. As well as sandwiches, we will have pasta dishes, soups, smoothies and cappuchinos, ice creams etc. Would love to hear any suggestions.


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The Big Cheese

Earl Sandwich


I Love Butties

Butties R Us

Was gonna suggest Butty Love but sounds a bit rude!




Lunch Angels

Totally Addicted to Food

Whereabouts are you, could give some more ideas for some regional words such as barms, muffins, rolls etc...

Love Jugglering's Crumbs one :)

Do we get a prize if we get it lol :)
Lunch Break!!!

You have to imagine the peops saying I'm just popping down to ie: 'Lunch Break!!!' for a sarnie


Yummy Tummy


Cafe Smooth


The Cappaccino in Hand

Best of luck in your new venture, and please please do soya milk. I had a cafe, and I used to be asked quite often for gluten free, but all my soups were homemade anyway so they were by nature. Not always dairy free though lol....

Thought of another one...Nibbles.
Lite Lunch

Scooby Snax

Rest Stop

Pit Stop


Re-Plentish (Replenish)

Quik Snax
rumble busters
Snack Inn
Luncheon Meet
Cyber Sandwich

Cyber Soup

California Dreamin'


Cafe & Dream

Soup & Sandwich

Your Way

Our local sandwich shop is called Not Simply Capuchin - a mad, mad name. However, the sarnies are fantastic and the shop is a great success.

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't sweat the name too much - if the food and the location are right the customers will flock in.

Over all, I'd go for something you can say fast on the phone for office orders and which won't make you feel like a pratt.
filling time.....

ten till two with you..

lettuce eat....
The Filling Station
Try not to be too clever.. think of a title that makes you think of really good wholesome food. eg Quizee1s' Pantry, The Perfect Pastry Shop, Bakery Bliss, or something like...Lunch Break, Snack Shack, Snack Emporium, The Real Thing, Anyway good luck.
The Library, where you can get anything!!!
I'd go for a more surname kind of place like; Jackson's, or whatever your name then add a word eg Jackson's lunch box. I don't know why but they sound more serious than other names I've seen. Good luck or rather Bonne chance!
There's a chinese buffet place near me called Yum Yum which I think is great, Yum Yums sounds a bit better though or something like Yummy.

The Rumbling Tum

Tummy Rumbles

Tummy Teasers


Feed me (Seymour) or other film connotations.

Muncheez as suggested above sounds good :)

Many of our local ones are name based such as Billy Bunters, Nickys, Essy's, Merv's, Philpotts. Also have Our Daily Bread.

As far as smoothies go, when a place opened near my work they used to let customers pick their own smoothies and would let them name them or ame them after the customer and write them in a special book for extra ideas. Was a great idea :)

Smooth Moves

Hot n Cold

Hot n Now

Lunch a Go Go
I was g ong tosay the filling station but i see someone already has. What about The Sandwich Shop or The Cob Shop - thats where people sy they are going at lunch I am going to the cob shop, anyone want anything?
Yes please janetsflower a cumberland sausage baguette please

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