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Anyone know what dishes i can make with natural yoghurt?

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mkjuk | 00:56 Mon 19th Feb 2007 | Food & Drink
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You could make indian sauces for meals such as tikka, balti and tandoori.

A minty yoghurt dressing to go with a greek style meal such as kebabs or meatballs. You could make other dips as well.

Some fish can go with a herby yoghurt sauce such as trout ot salmon.

You can make all kinds of deserts with fresh fruit and such and crushed biscuits or honey or mix with fruit and freeze for frozen yoghurt.
We also use it as the basis for a spicy low fat chicken marinade before we grilling it. Sadly can't say more than that just now as it is my wife's recipe and I don't know it well enough to venture a posting of it LOL

You can also pour over some clear honey and have it as a dessert.

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Anyone know what dishes i can make with natural yoghurt?

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