As its summer, how about - Monkfish Salad with pasta and green beans.
Prep and cube monkfish , place in a pan and cover with a slug of good white wine and cook ofor 3 ro 4 mins. Lift out, and allow to cool.
Cook beans and cut to even size pieces. Make a mayonnaise - or open a jar....stir in some double cream, salt/pepper, ginger, lime juice and zest, and make up a salad - i.e. diced red skinned apple, cherry tomatoes, red radish, salad onions...- all cut to same size.
Add beans to cooked fish, add veg, and dress with mayo. Eat witha good crusty bread. Yummmmm..
Monkfish makes a good curry too, or again, serve cold dressed with a 'coronation' sauce and salad leaves.
For hotdish , try with marinade of cajun spices on red rice; or try roasted on a bed of sweet fresh spinach; or make a paste of hazelnut, almonds, garlic, parsley and olive oil in a blender, season and cube the fish, cook in melted butter with some cherry tomatoes and a dash of wine. Add the paste, stir well to heat through and serve up....
Make simple kebabs with peppers, toms, fish, mushrooms and onion, dressed with a honey and mustard baste..
Use in pasta with a good strong flavoured sauce - lemon and ginger, chilli and lime etc...
Eat roasted with a fresh salsa verde. very versatile but NEVER overcook.. Best in season July til January by the way......
Ref the prepararion - make sure the outer black membrane is removed. Otherwise, just get on with the dish....