Why is it ALL supermarkets appear to sell prepacked sandwiches all containing that horrid thick white yukkiness called mayonnaise ?!?!? And fast food outlets are the same! I cant bear the stuff, it tastes absolutely foul! Why can us non-mayo lovers get a simple cheese or boiled egg sarnie without all this nonsense on it ? Sorry to have a moan.....mayo just makes me want to emit my stomach contents....
You could just maked your lunch yourself!?
Or order it like idea and have some one else do it for you and delivery it to you!
But i adore mayo! I have it with Chips, Pizza, lasagne, Salad! Yum!
And Im currently eating my cheese salad & mayo baguette :)
I often do have to make lunch myself, but its a pain in the bottom when if taken hungry or waiting at an airport for example I cannot get a sandwich at all.....we are just not catered for and its unfair....lol !
I remember one time when I was in a staff resturant of a place I used to work at, I was with a chap who ordered a freshly made wrap, the Women started spreading mayo all over it and he said "I didn't want mayo" to which she replied, "you have to have it otherwise it's to dry".
I don't like it either. The worst thing is Pret-a-mange do a no mayo chicken sandwhich but it has got some equally horrid substance on it.
I have a friend who works for the people who makle all Tesco's sandwich's, he's a line manager, apparently they put the Mayo on because it helps keep all the ingredients in place as the sandwich is moving down the production line. If you dont like the Mayo then try the "healthy living" sarny's they do a ham salad or chicken + bacon variety
I agree, but not with the mayo, with butter. i love mayo. I HATE butter. It makes me wanna throw up, yet EVERY pre packed sandwich has butter in them, so i can't eat them.
I hate mayo , if I buy a sarnie it's usually cheese and tomato , seems to be the only one made with no mayo . Some one who is in catering told me that they put it in to make the fillings go further .
I don't like it when everything is smothered in mayonaise, but I don't mind a little bit. I do tend to buy the Tesco Healthy Living Chicken, Bacon and Salad one which doesn't have any in it.
Love salad cream, though don't eat it very much now. Though have to have some with fishfingers, and it's also lovely, as pinkkitty says, with potatoes!
ohh I totally agree, I cant stant the stuff it makes me so sick, i end up getting a sausage roll or like cause I cant stand having to check to see if something contains mayo. I also cant stand pickle, salad cream, tomato, butter - people call me fussy but I dont think I am the only person who doesnt eat it.