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lindak | 20:08 Wed 15th Aug 2007 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
what is purer whisky or vodka ?


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At a guess, I'd say that a decent vodka & a good single malt whisky were about the same. If you start getting into that blended rubbish, then too many additives. Has anyone noticed that if you only drink vodka or malt whisky, you don't get a hangover?
You are kidding Kleiber a few years ago I got drunk on vodka and spent two days in hospital
You drank too much, then!! Take more water with it!
Look at this link about what gives you a hangover.
Vodka is very pure and free of congeners, whisky is full of congeners and theoretically gives you a hangover, more so than vodka. 646552.Me.r.html
You are absolutely right kleiber I did drink too much of it but there are no warnings with it, if it had a warning on the bottle something along the lines of 5 large shots of this you will wake up with a blinding headache, 10 shots you will need a kidney transplant 15 shots you had better have saved enough money for the liver transplant.

Then perhaps people would be more careful with this stuff


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