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beerbelly | 23:18 Tue 20th Nov 2007 | Food & Drink
53 Answers
I drink Every night of the week , I also have a Very hot curry EVERY night .
Although this is great , I must ask , am i an alcoholic ?
I admit i need my curry each night ,but can go a night without one .
however , can't sleep without a drink .
Think I probably know the answer , but am in denial .
What should I do ?


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Good on you man, I am just the same on the curry front. Tonight I had 2 quorn burgers with sprouts, but I had to cover them with hot chilli sauce. I think we chilli heads need the stuff, like a plant needs the rain, or a bird needs the sky.
I think it's more a case of if you wake in the morning and need a drink, then you may be an alcoholic. I think you gave just got stuck in a routine!!
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That's comforting ,whiffey , I guess we are what we are .
Silly me should just enjoy .
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Stuck in a routine with nowhere to go .
I have a drink most nights. Its a habit I have got into. I don't get drunk, but having a drink is like my end to the day. Especially after working.

I brought a bottle of Baileys in for Christmas, and am already thinking about opening it! tut tut
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Petal~Flower , Just open the Baileys , and get another one for Crimbo .
If u are "stuck in a routine" that is a nice way of saying you are addicted to something, there is no excuse for it. If you crave something and you want it every night you are addicted to it. It sounds like u have some form of alcoholism... i don't know how severe but don't excuse yourself by using the "routine" bit because it will only get worse.... pretty soon u might start drinking int he morning. It's better to admit a problem than covering it up with nice words. Now if you don't mind drinking every night and that's what you want to do then I guess it isn't a problem but at least release you are addicted
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I guess you are right ,bladski , It's just so much easier to continue , than it is to stop .
reminds me meeting two swedish boys in spain and they said they had a room mate that set his alarm to remind him he needed a drink ,but they said he only had one brain cel called ego, so it was never his fault it was egos , and all the blame was his one brain cel called ego
well u don't have to stop if u don't want to unless it is causing problems in your life. But it shows a lack of self control and mastery over your body.... u are letting your body rule your mind and spirit
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Thanks ,shanx , will try to work that one out in the morrow .
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bladski , how can I make my mind and spirit rule my body ?
What a lovely little story shanx :)).....i'll have to remember that one for the next time my fiance asks me where all the vodie has

Beerbelly, why don't you try to ration your intake as a means of cutting down.
I think it all depends on the individual. My "me time" after a long day at work, and with the kids afterwards, is to have a glass or 2 of wine.

I don't get up in the morning craving a drink, however I do realise that me having a drink each evening, shows I have a dependency on alcohol to help me relax. Or just to end the day.

I had 3 alcohol free days last week, and for me to note that, obviously meant, I knew that I do have a level of alcohol dependency.

Bit late to get the Baileys out now beerbelly!

maybe i should talk slower lol ,if you can understand it , it is funny , they were speaking in broken english , and i understood it ! well ok sorry did try
Why do you need the drink? Is it to help you sleep or just a habit you've grown into now?
Try and change your routine, throw out all the bottles of alcohol from your house and avoid buying more. See if you can cope without it the next day. Try substituting it with something less noxious ... like, um ginger ale or something...
Give it a try if you really want to change your 'routine'. After all its you who controls how you respond.
Become a monk hahaha just kidding. Good question.... there are many ways... for me relgion helps and that might help you... excercising might help. Cold turkey method, slowly cut back, create a drinking plan on your calender which shows u what nights u can drink and what nights u can't and slowly over time start creating more and more days without drinking.... i'm sure there are many other ways to master your body
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sorry louisa 69 , was not ignoring you .
But rationing my beer is not easy , I'm not rich but can drink happily without any monetary concerns .
I've told you before ...come and live with me ..I'll cook you a nice bit of fish and chips followed by a large G&T !
Kissy kissy xxx
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Don't Shaney , I might just take you up on that .........x.x
Gordon ......

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