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What's everyone having for tea tonight?

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daffidazey | 17:36 Sat 15th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
Me and the other half normally order a takeaway on a saturday but he is working away til tomorrow. Can't decide what to cook, feel uninspired. :-( Daffi x


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What have you got in the frigde, cupboard etc?
Roast pork and usual trimmings cooked by my hubby when he is not swearing at the radio ( Get the impression Bolton are being beat)
How`s about a nice big helping of steaming hot Spag-bol?
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Dunno tigger, can't be bothered to look.

Sounds good tickledtrout (fab name!) Not too keen on pork myself but love the rest.

Ooooohhhh spag bol! Yum! x
what about just having a microwave meal (chicken-ding) (sad meal for 1)
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Hi there , don't yet know what my son will want but I am feeling decidedly sickly so don't think anything will stay down :-( xxx
Oh poor you bigmamma hope you feel better soon x
Spicey chicken wings with funky rice and colslaw.
Order yourself a takeaway Daffy. Thats what I do when I can't be bothered. x
Oh bigmamma, you don't deserve all the things happening to you. Hope you feel better soon hun. Hows the damp wall going? Is it drying up yet? xxx
Just get a big Pizza delivered with all of you fave toppings thenall you have to do is sit & wait for it to arrive
love to mamma! xx
daffi - Husband is out at a match, I'm hoping he will call at the chippy on theway home!
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chiil conc here and also shouting at the radio as yep bolton have got beat.

Should make for some interesting chat out and about in the pubs of bolton
Thanks tickletrout , :-) xx
The walls will start to dry oyt over the next few weeks now that they got the radiator in there back up and working yesterday tiggerblue :-) xx
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Aaaawwww bigmamma! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, big hugs to you!

I have to spend over �10 on takeaway to get it deliverd and i won't eat that much so it'll be a waste.
The kids have just asked if I will make macaroni cheese if I have enough cheese in the fridge, so I will make that I think and eat a bit of that then top it up with the huge bar of fruit and nut I have in the cupboard! x
Hi , and thankyou skyep , I think my son will settle for a takeaway tonight as he doesn't mind them :-) xx
OMG! Huge bar of fruit & nut...dribble dribble. I haven't got any chocolate in the house. Arrgghh!
Afternoon everyone,

Havent a clue what to do as boyfriend is still poorly from last night (no sympathy, night on the booze lol) He had mentioned take away earlier but not so sure now hes been sick again!

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What's everyone having for tea tonight?

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