gravy in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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tony4away | 17:13 Sun 13th Jan 2008 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
has enybody got a good recipe for beef and chicken gravy thanks tony
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hi wen u cook ur beef or chickhen do not put oil in the roastin tin and all the jucies from the meat is very nice in gravy. u jst need to juice from the meat and then an oxo or two and it will b perfect.
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Roast your chicken in the normal way with whatever seasoning you want (thyme and lemon rub is always good with chicken). Once finished pour either a little water or some wine into the roasting tin and and melt the juices that look burnt in the tin. Keep stiring until reduced or until all the burnt bits have melted. You may want add a little flour or cornflour to thicken it.

You can do the same beef or lamb but make sure you cool the juices down and remove the layer of dripping from the top.
tony - Sorry to hijack your thread! Tigger, just replied to your email xx
tony - Think Naughty and tigger have answered your question with expertise! xxx
Just replied Sky.

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