Hi, From my observations, many recipes for bread makers, just don't work . There are too many variables. The different makes of flour have different protein contents, so you can actually use the same recipe each time, but with different makes of flour and get different results.
Most people don't use a thermometer to work out there water temperature and just put in 'luke warm' this will of course also vary from dough to dough. The warmer a dough is, the faster it will prove and vice versa. If the water is too hot the yeast will be killed.
Then you see recipes that say a cup full of this or that and a tablespoon of the other. These again will vary from dough to dough. Plus have you seen how many different sized cups are on the market?
My advice is therefore to use a set of digital scales (the cheapest are only about �12) and to weigh everything.
Buy a cheap thermometer and make your dough to the same temp each time. (I can give you the formula)
Find a recipe that works with the flour that you use and stick to it,. ( can give you a general recipe that will only need the adjustment of water content to suit your flour).
Finally, use fresh yeast, if you can't get it from a supermarket or your local baker, you can buy it on ebay.