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okayi have just confessed to giving my old cat bombay mix following on from

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alinic | 18:19 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
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Do any of you want to confess to something that you shouldnt have done!(keep it clean!)


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my younger sis and I used to dress the family dog up in stupit outfits, glasses etc and take photos for a laugh

In one the mutt is wearing a Snorkel with the hood up and looks like a wolf lol
Well when I was young, we had a greedy dog called Pug, who'd do anything for a piece of chocolate. I'm afraid I got her to eat pickled onions, with the promise of a piece....which promptly went in my mouth as soon as she'd managed the deed!!! Horrible, wasn't it!!!
As for other things - loads, but I'm not saying!!
I used to put my rabbit in my dolls pram and walk it round the streets and i used to love dressing my dog up! I have a great pic of him in a pair of pants with a dummy in his mouth!
About 12 years ago I was driving on the motorway, the M1 I think, at about 3 am in the morning.

Without realising I looked at my speedometer and saw I was driving at 76 (yes SEVENTY SIX) mph. That is a whopping 6 miles an hour over the national speed limit!!!!
I once ate an After Eight at ten to seven
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come on weal you have better than that!
alinic, Im a good girl !
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oaky i believe you!
Okay another confession from me
My mother inlaw made a beautiful cake for xmas years ago fresh cream the lot..... anyhow the cat got in and licked someof the cream off the top and to cut a long story short, i just fluffed up the bit the cat licked and served it up to her!
oh i do feel bad saying that ! she blushes and runs away!
I once ate 13 chocolate bars in succession! They were so good ... mmmmmmmm
Oh Figure!!! Pmsl!!!! I've done half a dozen Twix's before, but 13????? LOL! x
Ok this one is awful and I could have been in big trouble for it..................when waitressing in a pub one Christmas I dropped a whole tray of Christmas puddings on the stairs whilst carrying them upstairs to the function room.I picked them up put them back in the dishes and served them to the customers..............I will go to hell for that one I reckon.Nobody complained though and I even got a tip which I put in the charity jar on the bar.
My husband had just left me for a wealthy woman,six weeks before the birth of our son. A few weeks later he informed me he was going away on holiday with his new girlfriend to mexico. He had forgotten that when he moved out he left his passport behind. The night before their holiday he phoned me to ask if I had his passport. I said I would look and phone him back. His flight was at 8am. I finally called him at 2am and told him I couldnt find it.
They missed their holiday. What a shame..NOT. They went to spain in the end after traveling to peterborough to get a replacement passport. I told him when he returned I had found it after they had gone to spain. Revenge was sweet. It still makes me smile 6 years on.
lol these are all funny
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go rix go! like that one!
well when I was a kid, we had a copper on horseback who was a right nasty git, one day we asked mr plod, could we give his horse some chocolate, " course you can sonny" so we gave dobbin some chocolate, but in those days you had free samples of Ex_lax dropped through the door,

we collected all the samples from the street and fed them to dobbin, we then followed the around fro a while and all of a sudden, a rumbling, and dobbin let go, it was like niagra falls, he shat everywhere couse we were in hysterics, and had to leg it pretty quick.
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oh ray, that was funny! you bad person! lol
ray - that was a really ****** thing to do lol
s h i t t y
I did also let off stink bombs in a lock up shop run by a little old lady, and we held the door shut, poor old girl was nearly dying, I regret that one, also used to wait for people to go into phone boxes, we had loads of string, run round the box and tie them in, it was so funny, god I was horrible little sod.
Well it was funny to us kids, hello weeal and ali xx

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