Has to be salt and vinegar, particularly when there's so much flavouring they're painfully strong. OF the Walkers Sensations variety I adore the sweet chilli ones.
I love the walkers chinese flavoured crackers. MMMMMMM. Could go a big bag of them right now. They just melt in your mouth and are far too good too share. Yum yum !
Salt and Vinegar - pref. Walkers. Cheese and Onion are the only flavour of crisps I won't eat.
Does anyone else remember when crisps were regional? You couldn't find Walkers around Manchester - everywhere sold Golden Wonder. And when I used to visit my Dad in Oxfordshire you couldn't find Golden Wonder (not that you'd want to - they were pretty minging) because everywere sold Walkers.
Beef and Onion. I really adore the Roast Beef Monster Munch and they deserved a mention even though they aren't Walkers. Why can't I buy my Monster Munch in England anymore? I've just been to Faliraki and they sold the Roast Beef flavour there with the pink monster on the front of the packet and everything.
Sea salt and cracked pepper. Dunno who makes 'em but they come in a big white packet and the corner shop next to the BP on Horn Lane sells 'em at an exorbitant mark-up. Hmmmmm....
Hi boognish
I can't remember them being regional, but I can remember Smiths crisps the ones where you got an optional sachet of salt, do they still sell them? Prawn cocktail crisps should be banned from human consumption along with skips ... ergh!
Yes you can still buy salt 'n' shake, they're now made by Walker's and Asda sells them. The only Walker's crisps i hate are the cheese'n'onion. If i buy the multi pack i just throw them out. Can anyone remember Bovril crisps now they were brill.
Walker's Marmite crisps were a stroke of genius...however, it'd still have to be salt and vinegar. Especially the fingerful of salt you get in the bottom of the bag!