I've been seeing a girl on and off for about a year now. When i say seeing i dont mean a full on relationship, more just going out drinking and for meals. We've slept together a few times, though it doesnt go further than just that. I dont think she's particularly my type, but then i think we do have fun and we have both never spoken about it being anymore than that. With this in mind, i do want a proper partner and i'm not sure its fair to go dating other women if i'm still seeing her now and then. Do you think continuing to see her will stop me meeting miss right?? Again though, we do have a lot of fun and where's the harm in that? CONFUSED!!!!!
I think you too should take your relationship further because, if you enjoy each-other's company and she makes you laugh, this makes you too match (Sort of).
Of course, if you're not comfortable with this step forward, you don't have to take it. It's entirely your choice! I would think about this, and let your thoughts be a basis.
I say you should but, as I said, it's your choice.
As I've just been there and done it take it from my experience..
Either go for it full on.... but seeing as it hasn't happened yet after a year i cant see it going any further..
And why not have fun.... well that's what i did mate at first it was great but feelings started to get involved. And that's where things went wrong...
Don't carry on sleeping with each other just as friends as one always wants more and you will loose a friend..
You 2 sound more devoted to each other than most couples I know. If it is not the agreement that it is just for sex then you should make her your girlfriend or stop seeing her. If you want a proper partner then she sounds like an ideal candidate.
well it all sounds like a recipe for disater if you ask me! I take this girl is aware that you are not in a relationship with her.I mean you have made this clear ! What is it thats putting you off of having a relationship with this girl?
ive been used soo many times :( never knew where i stood.
but mayb u should ask her out if u like her and enjoy each other company. but if u both enjoys this kind of no-strings relationship then u stil need to chat to her, at least u know where each of u stand?? mayb she already thinks shes in a relationship with u?.... talk to her xx