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poaching an egg

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bobtheturkey | 11:35 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
looks really complicated, i wish i had this skill how good an egg poacher are you?


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So bad I actually asked a question about it in Food and Drink. I tried out some of the suggestions and then brought myself an egg poacher saucepan. I highly recommend it.
I'm a brilliant egg poacher!

Make sure your eggs are super fresh and the water not to hot, just enough so there's those tiny bubbles at the bottom of the pan.
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I agree with China Doll bob , a good egg poacher pan is a good idea . I find if I do them in a pan of swirling water , it depends a lot on the age and quality of the egg as to how well it does.:-) xxx
LOL. I didn't tell you that my first few attempts didn't turn out so good though and how much of a nightmare it is trying to drain a pan of water that has stringy egg in it!
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Tut Tut no wonder so many people are eating out if such are the cullinary skills of the modern housewife.
No yure not leg and yes they do.
Pah... I'm a very good cook I'll have you know. I'm just very bad with eggs that do not require frying or boiling.
you break the egg into boiling water let it cook for 1 minute, take it out and plunge it into cold water for 30 seconds then add it back to the boiling water for a further 30 seconds and you have the perfect poached egg, no poacher required! : )
Id'e ave lost me appetite by the time I done all that.
I got an eggpoacher for christmas and it has transformed my life.
Yay Sandra!

*pokes tongue out at CD*
Poaching an egg is easy, pan, boiling water, egg, that's it, but now frying an egg! You gotta have the exact equipment to do that! If the oil is too hot it sticks if your spatula had melted and is distorted it won;t be flat enough, if the egg is not fresh it will beak the yoke!! I have some terrible fried egg disasters!!!
Dear bob, my little egg poacher!
I have a microwave egg poacher as leg mentioned. 4 poached eggs, about 4 mins on high, perfect xxx
my answer has gone cos i have been banned!! (it wasn't me your honour lol)
But isn't a poacher an evil thing to wash up?

Bring a pan of water to boil, turn down, stir it with sppon launch egg off saucer into maelstrom of centre of the gently bubbling water and cook for however soft you like your egg.....s'easy!!
Just fry the damn things, in a little olive oil if you're health concious. And while you're about it, chuck in some bacon, sausage, black pudding, mushrooms, hash browns, tomatoes and a slice of white bread. Oh, and forget the olive oil and use lard instead : )
I tried to make them once, ended up nearly breaking the plate, it was like a brick. Havn't treid to since.
Ooh mistys, that sounds perfect to me.I can`t eat runny egg.Urgh, i feel icky just thinking about it.

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