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toasted sandwich fillings

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frankofile | 20:08 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
all you experts out there, what is the ultimate toasted sandswich fillinf????? Had a good cheese and ham today but is there anything better and what is the best bread?


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Has to be peppered salami and emental on white bread, lightly buttered on the outside.
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I agree butter on the outside, but why are the toasters too small for the rounds of bread
That really annoys me too! lol
You'd think the makers of those would be vaguely aware of the size required??? There's always a bit that hangs out, and the cheese ends up running on the sides.
But to reply to your question, I think cheese and mushrooms is lovely, as is cheese and ham. Open to suggestions too!
I like ham & cheese as well. But one christmas I used up the left over chicken in toasties with carbonara sause & mushrooms totally delish!! I've made them with tins of 'all day breakfast' as well nice but very messy! The kids like jam toasties.
ham and cheese for me but i like an egg toastie too, takes a bit of practice but well worth it in the end!
What you need is a george forman - I have a large version and can get 3 full toasties at a time. Forget toastie makers - they are a one trick pony - get yourself a george foreman - I use it for everything - lovely grilled veg, burgers, chops, steaks, roasted bananas or pineapple.... and of course toasties - will take any size of bread.
Ohhhh has to be cheese and onion!!
Thick rashers of bacon , grated Irish extra mature chedder, Colmans mustard in crusty brown bread - opened up after toasting & a few thin slices of tomato added
I like cheese and spinach, or cheese and Marmite, or cheese and am, or cheese. Cheese please!!!!
Red Leicester cheese and strawberry jam.

Caution!!!!! Make sure you wait a few minutes before biting into this or you will scold the inside of your facial orifice (gob)
they all sound yummy. I use toastabags,they fit into a normal toaster. My favourite is corned beef and onion.
Mmm, john how do you make something so simple sound sooooo smutty??! :)
It has to be cheese and *something* for me too... otherwise they would be so dry (the cheese melts I spread marg on one side of the bread, then a little chilli sauce on the other, add some of the strongest cheddar known to womankind, a couple of thin slices of either tomato or onion, then another slice of bread, marged up on the outside.... Wow... absolutely yummy... Sometimes I forget to add the chilli sauce, so I simply have a little bowl of it on the side as a dipping sauce....
Blimey, Juggs, gourmet or what?! :)
Shhhhhh hellibobs, don't tell everyone or they will be around my house
Tomato & mozarella for a savoury filling but have you tried jam and ice-cream? If it's done properly the middle of the ice cream stays cold - it's lovely
I like egg and cheese!
Raw egg or cooked, Lakita ?
Raw initially. Just crack the egg into the bottom slice, sprinkle the cheese on top, put the other slice on and close the toasty machine and the egg cooks.

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