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I have always like leeks!!!

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puddicat | 19:39 Sun 02nd Nov 2008 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
Just had Leeks wrapped in ham,cherry tomatoes in a gorgeous cheese sauce damn it that was lovely!!!


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That's just how I like them puddicat. I also like them chopped up in a white sauce with some chicken and served with rice. But then I like leeks too!
I am also a big fan of leeks - in virtually any dish.....

Leek & Potato Soup
Leek and Broccoli in Cheese Sauce
Leek Souffl�
Leek & Mushroom Quiche
Pancakes stuffed with Leeks and Sugar Snap Peas...

I could go on all night, describing Leek dishes lol

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I have always like leeks!!!

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