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whats your favourite..........

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stokemaveric | 20:01 Tue 10th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
sarnie?...mine is a nice cheese and beetroot one...or cheese and red cabbage on toast.....lovely.....


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if i was really pushed it would tuna mayo,wif onions or peppers,or egg mayo,and love corned beef and beetroot!!!
houmous and olives scrummy xxx
hummus is nice but not in a sarnie,for me its like a dip!!
strawberry jam and cheese
ooh lots of folk like jam and cheese - yuk lol
oh its years since I had strawberry jam and cheese. used to eat it toasted, it was lovely.

I have very strange taste in sandwiches but it is nice with a bit of water cress and sliced olives
peanut butter
ok then lulu----haggis and deep fried mars bar
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you cant beat a good stoke bacon n cheese oatcake....tho
The power of suggestion! I have to go and make a sandwich now. I will let you know when I get back what I have.
Bacon buttie on white bread with ketchup.
on my sarnie i prefer horse eyes and squirrel fur drizzled with olive oil and sticky camel saliva! bloomin marvelous i tell thee...
oh my hubby comes from your way he loves cheese and bacon oatcakes too. when we go up there we always have to go to the oatcake shop. and the wrights pie shop. do u know it?
beejay I dont eat mars bars never mind frying them lol
salmon and cream cheese
Banana and Suger
I was brought up in stoke although left years ago, but you can't beat bacon and cheese oatcake, and wrights pies-bostin'
DAMN! some of you have weird combinations,i wouldnt like to be next in the toilet after some of you have been!
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afcjan tell your hubby that wrights pies are still going strong i had a meat and tater 1 for my dinner he a bit partial to lobby as well?
well he left years ago as well, came to London to make his fortune he he, but still has family up there. we fill the freezer with oat cakes.

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